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Monday, 17 May 2021 9:00 AM - Thursday, 20 May 2021 4:00 PM CEST
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This time, we are diving into ways you can use the Fabo platform to better support learning in your organisation.
We will also show examples of how to use Fabo in your projects. Whether you are new to using Fabo as a learning tool, or have already created content, you will be inspired by real-life cases from members and gain new practical competencies.
This edition of community week will provide plenty of opportunities for hands-on practice and building on the platform.
As always, Fabo Community Week is a great opportunity to meet other members and build relationships across organisations. Meet old friends or make new ones as we share experiences about learning and capacity building.
Cancellation policy You can cancel any registered sessions if you cannot attend it. Note for non members: If you happened to register for member only sessions then the organizer can cancel your registration for those sessions.
You can cancel any registered sessions if you cannot attend it.
Note for non members: If you happened to register for member only sessions then the organizer can cancel your registration for those sessions.
Fabo is a learning community of 25 member NGOs and over 12,000 learners. Fabo Learning Lab is a team of specialists brought together by a shared passion for learning, capacity development and long-term change for a better world. Fabo Learning Lab hosts four capacity-building community weeks a year. Each community week explores a specific theme related to learning in the development and humanitarian context.
After a welcome and introduction to Fabo Community Week, we will dive into the theme of Day 1: building a learning hub for your organization. The hub is your organization’s entry-point on the Fabo learning platform. What do you want to promote to the learners in your organization? What information is important to include?
In the session, Henrik Grunnet, Strategic Advisor in International Media Support, will show their newly built learning hub. After the demo there will be time for questions.
If you intend to register for this session (or have already done so), please remember to download a calendar invitation for it by choosing the fitting option below.
Communications & Membership Lead
Fabo Learning Lab
Strategic adviser
International Media Support
In this webinar you will learn to build a basic learning site on the Fabo learning platform. Join this webinar to learn how to add images, texts, video, set up forums, surveys and much more to your site. We will also show you how to use the Fabo content library to add ready-made visuals and exercises to your course. You will be able to ask questions and interact via chat.
Level: You can be totally new to Fabo and still join this session to learn how to build a basic learning site.
Project Officer
In this session we will introduce you to the new “Hub” format, which will allow you to create an organisational identity on Fabo and a gateway to your organisation’s trainings and other important content.
This is a workshop session where you will get practical hands-on experience with building your own organisational landing page. You will be working with a template landing page and add content from your own organisation.
Level: Experience with building content on the Fabo platform is necessary to gain the most from this session.
This is the second meeting of the working group that was formed during Fabo Community Week in March 2021. The working group is open to anyone in the Fabo community who is currently working on a learning project and would like to get support from the community. You can get benefits like support in designing effective learning experiences, identifying thematic and methodological synergies across projects and organisations, and sharing inspiration and good cases with one another.
If you would like to join the working group, please contact the facilitator before the meeting by sending an email to
Level: No prerequisites
Learning Experience Design Lead
On-demand learning is a good solution if you want to provide a training that is flexible for the learner and has the potential to reach many learners. This purpose of an on-demand learning site can be raising awareness of a topic, inducting new staff into the organization, or providing performance support tools. In this session, you will see different examples of on-demand learning sites built by Fabo members.
Lisa Winther is a course developer on the FORB Learning Platform. In this session we will look at an on-demand course that Lisa is currently building: "FORB and Gender Equality - Enemies or allies".
We will also take a look at a new induction site: "Welcome to ACT Alliance". Stephanie Rahbek Simonsen, Capacity Development and Research Lead in Fabo Learning Lab will demonstrate features of the site.
If you intend to register for this session (or have already done so), please remember to download a calendar invitation for it by choosing the fitting option below
Senior Human Rights Advisor
Stefanus Alliance International
Capacity Development and Research Lead
In this session, we will work with a template for building on-demand learning sites on the Fabo learning platform. Sidsel-Marie will demonstrate the template, and you will get a chance to try it out for yourself.
Level: Some understanding of learning site editing is needed to participate in the practical part of this session. If you participate in the "Build a basic learning site" session, you have a good foundation.
How can you use the Fabo learning platform to create a learning hub as part of your project? In this session you will see a demonstration of one of the newest Fabo members Viva’s new learning hub about “Digital Justice” targeted secondary school children in Denmark. Tanja Holst Jensen from Fabo Learning Lab will show the work in progress and talk about how Viva is using Fabo to reach their project goals.
After the demonstration, Tanja will facilitate a brainstorm and discussion about how a hub can create value in your projects.
Project Manager
In recent years, high profile cases of corruption have come to the fore. We know that fraud and corruption take place in our sector, and the need for NGOs to acquire competencies to prevent and handle corruption is more urgent than ever. In the Fabo Learning Lab we are creating an Anti-Corruption training collaboration through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Join this session to learn more and take part in the co-creation by contacting
Join this session to see demonstrations of sites to support a community of practice.
Karin Wied Thomsen, Senior Advisor, Resilience and Market Based Programming, is one of the facilitators of DCA's community of practice around "Build Resilient Communities". She will demonstrate the site and answer questions about how it is used to support their community.
Senior Advisor, Resilience and Market Based Programming
This workshop is for you if you are facilitating a community of practice and would like to: Create a hub where the community members can engage and interact, Describe the thematic domain and practicalities of your community, Share all information about meetings and events in one place and Build a resource library.You will be building your own site during the session.
Level: Prior knowledge of is an advantage.
In recent years, high profile cases of sexual misconduct have come to the fore. We know that misconduct takes place in our sector, and the need for NGOs to acquire competencies to prevent and handle sexual misconduct is more urgent than ever. In the Fabo Learning Lab we are creating a PSHEA training collaboration through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Join this session to learn more and take part in the co-creation by contacting
Learning Designer
Fabo is a member-driven learning community for NGOs. Find out how your organisation can become a member. This session is open for all and don't miss out on our virtual social networking session at the end of the week.
Join this session to see a demo of facilitated trainings from our members. There will also be time for questions.
Sikhonzile Ndlovu (Lutheran World Federation) was the primary organiser behind the 2020 Women’s Human Rights Training, which was held 100% online for the first time due to COVID-19 restrictions. She coordinated efforts from an international team of subject experts and volunteers to upwards of 80 participants across three languages – all while learning how to build materials in Fabo! Mattias Söderberg (DanChurchAid) was the driving force behind forming the ACT Advocacy Academy in 2018 and he has continued as the lead faculty expert until 2020 for the ACT Advocacy Academy Programme, which offers a facilitated lecture series and mentorship programme to help 50+ international staffers across ACT Alliance increase their network and their advocacy skills.
Senior Advocacy Advisor
Advocacy Officer
The Lutheran World Federation
Facilitated training sessions can be enhanced with learning materials to review in advance, resources that can be helpful after the training event, and logistic support such as schedules and visual materials. Even if the main learning event is an in-classroom or online session in real-time, learners and facilitators will benefit from a “one stop shop” for all things that support learning. This session will guide you through a Fabo template that can help you make such a site without a substantial time investment.
Level: You need prior experience of building content with Fabo for this session.
In this session we will unpack the challenges and good practices for conducting hybrid events or meetings. A hybrid meeting is a space where some participants are physically present, and some are participating via digital solutions like Teams or Zoom. Come join us in this session for a discussion about the challenges, ways to mitigate those challenges, guidance and tips to conduct hybrid meetings.
To close May’s community week, we will have an informal gathering to reflect on the week together and celebrate our new skills.
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